The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct produced a print newsletter from 1998 to 2017. In the interests of preserving this resource, following is a listing of the contents of these issues and a link to download the full PDF of individual issues.
Notes for Using the Contents Listings Accompanying Each Issue
- The term “state park” refers to Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, the formal designation of the 26.2 miles of the Aqueduct in Westchester County.
- Notices of upcoming events like walks, talks, and tours; Save the Date alerts; and Calendar Notes are, with some exceptions, not listed. ”
- “Additional images” generally refers to pictures not part of a particular article.
- Mentions of the ”Overseer’s House” refer to the structure now named the Keeper’s House. See issue no. 22, Winter 2005/06, for an article about the name change.
- All listings not followed by an author’s name were written by the newsletter editor at the time: Charlotte Fahn for issues no. 1-31 and 53-55; Ruth Gastel for issues no. 32-52.
All contents copyright © Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct 1998-2017

Fall 2024
Fixing TrailGraffiti by the editor
Riverwalk – Connecting all the Trails by Jeffrey Anzevino, AICP, Director, Scenic Hudson’s Land Use Advocacy
Managing Invasives Along the Trail by Diane Alden
Park Manager's Notes by Steve Oakes
2024 Winning Yonkers High School Essay by Shennaiya Rose
Aquefest 2024! by the editors

No. 55, Winter 2017-18
The Aqueduct at 175: A Rousing Toast, by Hubert B. Herring [party on October 8, 2017]
William and Jacqueline Amols and the Campaign to Stop a Parking Lot on the Aqueduct [Irvington]
Daniel Shure, In Memoriam
Additional images: “Croton Water Celebration 1842,” historic print, p. 5; view along length of New Croton Dam spillway, p. 5; autumn view of a ventilator, p. 6

No. 54, September 2017
Hastings’ Quarry Trail: A Rail-Trail With a Difference
Invasives Campaign Intensifies This Summer
Museum Opens Aqueduct Exhibit [Museum of the City of New York]
Lamartine Avenue Section Reclaimed for Trail Walkers, by Steven Oakes, state park manager
Long-Closed Stairway Replaced by New Path in Van Cortlandt Park
Annual Meeting: “Turning Water Into Money” [speaker, Gerard Koeppel; election of Joanna Riesman to Friends’ board]
Aqueduct Walkers, Take Note! Signage Kiosks Mark the Bronx Aqueduct Trail
Zoning Codes Can Help Protect the Trail, by Mavis Cain
Editor’s Notes
Additional images: Illuminated steel span of the High Bridge, p. 3; Keeper’s House docents on outing to Bannerman’s Castle, p. 4; three walkers on the trail, p. 6

No. 53, Spring 2017
A Momentous Aqueduct Opening, 175 Years Ago, by Charlotte Fahn and Robert Kornfeld, Jr.
Improving Highbridge Park: The Next Steps
Walkers of the World, by Mavis Cain
Keeper’s House Visitor and Education Center [drawing by Ildiko Viczian]
Have You Earned Your Miler’s Badge?
Self-Guided Walks, by Carlos Gee
Take the Train . . . to the Aqueduct! [letters from Mark Perrault and Daniel Chazin]
Editorial Change [Ruth Gastel steps down as newsletter editor]
Additional images: NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection’s new map of city’s water supply, p. 2; portrait of Aaron Burr, p. 2; New Croton Dam spillway after Hurricane Irene, p. 3

No. 52, Winter 2016/2017
Keeper’s House Wins Another Award, by Mavis Cain
The Romance of the Croton Water, by Cornelia Cotton
Become A Docent At The Keeper’s House
Update on Invasive Plant Removal, by Diane Alden
A Visit to the Oldest Standing Building in Westchester County, by Lesley Walter [Philipse Manor Hall, Yonkers]
Additional image: Docents and board members touring Yonkers, p. 8

No. 51, Spring 2016
The Keeper’s House Going Forward [Ruth Gastel in conversation with exhibit designers Laura Compagni-Sabella and Laurel Marx]
New Greenway in Ossining, by Charlotte Fahn [Sing Sing Kill gorge walkway]
Transforming the Abandoned Building: KH [Keeper’s House] Before and After [photo essay by Elisa Zazzera]
“Remarkable Project”: Three Awards for High Bridge Restoration, by Charlotte Fahn
Additional image: Tracy Burke-Pearson and Heidi Fontana, remembering the Keeper’s House, p. 8

No. 50, Winter 2016
New Year’s Resolution: Rid the Trail of Invasives!, by Diane C. Alden
High Bridge: Lights, Celebrities, and Celebrations, by Charlotte Fahn
Aqueduct Gems, Above Ground and Below [photos: ceiling medallion in Keeper’s House; Aqueduct interior at Ossining]
Additional image: Lesley Walter’s Aqueduct hat, p. 8

No. 49, Summer 2015
The High Bridge Reopens!: Croton Aqueduct Centerpiece Is Once Again A Destination [see also images on p. 6], by Charlotte Fahn
Pedestrian Bridge to End Aqueduct Trail Detour in Van Cortlandt Park; New Croton Aqueduct Returns to Service, by Charlotte Fahn
The Temporary Crossing of the Harlem River
How to Reach the High Bridge
Thursday Club Backs Keeper’s House Project
Additional image: Skipping rope on the High Bridge, p. 8

No. 48, Winter 2015
A Peek into Historic Preservation with Rich Gromek, by Steven Oakes, state park manager
A Journalist Travels Through the New Croton Aqueduct in 1890
Renewed Aqueduct Walk in the Bronx Reopens, by Charlotte Fahn
President’s Letter, by Mavis Cain
Additional image: Skier and deer on the trail, p. 8

No. 47, Fall 2014
Go the Extra Mile! Join the Aqueduct Milers Program [badge program organized by Sara Kelsey]
Aqueduct Trail Project Completed in Van Cortlandt Park, by Charlotte Fahn and Tom Tarnowsky
[Blank form for reporting completed Aqueduct Milers walks]
The Keeper’s House Restoration, by Tom Tarnowsky [a report in photos]
Lesser-known Tales of the Old Croton Aqueduct: The Angel of the Waters, by Katharine Gates [Bethesda Fountain, Central Park]
Farewell and Welcome Back: Park Managers Change [Gary Ricci and Steven Oakes], by Mavis Cain
Additional image: Emma Stebbins, sculptor of Bethesda Fountain, p. 8

No. 46, Spring 2014
Peebles Island, by Audrey Niesen [about NYS Parks’ Division of Historic Preservation]
High Bridge: Looking Toward Reopening, by Charlotte Fahn
Reconnecting the Aqueduct Trail in Van Cortlandt Park, by Charlotte Fahn
Destination Trees Along the Old Croton Aqueduct, by Celine Daly
Life and Labor at the New Croton Dam, by Laura Compagni
Awards [to the Friends, and to Paula Matthusen]
Constance Porter, 1921-2014 [memorial]
Sanctions Levied Against Aqueduct Tree-Toppers
Additional image: Interpretive sign, north side of Walnut St., Dobbs Ferry, p. 8

No. 45, Winter 2014
Turning the Keeper’s House into a Visitor Center
Raffle Winners Announced
Two Yonkers Members Go the Extra Mile [Shaun Gorman and Ilona Fabian]
Ossining and the Double Arch Bridge, by Ed Brody
New York State Plan for the Old Croton Aqueduct: History and Development Timeline
Mercy College Students Work for the Friends
Additional image: View of snow-covered Aqueduct trail, p.8

No. 44, Summer 2013
Architect Donates Historic Survey Records, by Robert Kornfeld, Jr. [Roz Li, donor]
Aqueduct Views of Palisades at Risk, by Charlotte Fahn
Restoration of Ossining Double Arch Bridge and Weir Building, by Tom Tarnowsky
High Bridge Featured at Friends’ 2013 Annual Meeting [speaker, Brian Diffley]
Brian Goodman, Aqueduct Manager 1992-2002, by Charlotte Fahn [memorial]
Future Events – Watch for Updates, by Mavis Cain
Additional image: Worker at Ossining bridge, p. 8

No. 43, Winter 2013
City Breaks Ground for High Bridge Restoration, by Charlotte Fahn
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, IX: The Renaissance of the Old Croton Aqueduct (1990-2012), by Ed Brody
Head North Hikers! A Favorite Aqueduct Hike, by George O’Lear [north end of Aqueduct trail]
Awards and Other Aqueduct Happenings [includes state funding to repair Aqueduct structures, by Gary Ricci, state park manager]
Additional image: Indian Brook culvert, p. 8

No. 42, Fall 2012
The Croton Aqueduct Completion Medal, by Dave Baldwin
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, VIII. The Aqueduct Becomes a Public Trail (1965-1989), by Ed Brody
Broccoli on the OCA!, by Anne Megaro
High Bridge Restoration Set to Begin, by Charlotte Fahn
Friends See Remains of Distributing Reservoir at New York Public Library, by Thomas Tarnowsky
Aquefest 2012
Additional image: Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano at Aquefest run, p. 8

No. 41, Summer 2012
Aqueduct Volunteers Celebrate “I Love My Park Day,” by Lesley Yu Walter
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, VII. The City Outgrows the Aqueduct (1907-1965), by Ed Brody
Untermyer Gardens Link to Aqueduct Cleared
Irvington Assisted Living Project: Impact on the Aqueduct, by Charlotte Fahn
Electronic Music Composer Inspired by Sounds of the Aqueduct Tunnel, by Katharine Gates
Friends Annual Meeting 2012 [speaker, John Cronin; sounds inside a ventilator, recorded by Paula Matthusen]
Additional image: Mercy College volunteers’ trail cleanup, p.8

No. 40, Winter 2012
The Keeper’s House Restoration, by Robert Kornfeld, Jr.
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, VI: From Expansion to the New Croton Aqueduct (1862-1907), by Ed Brody
William Lee Frost (1926-2011): A Personal Memoir, by Cornelia Cotton
Keeper Must Be a Mason [excerpt from record of Croton Aqueduct Board meeting, 1857]
A Mason? Really? From the New York Times, June 2, 1895
Marathons Not Allowed on Aqueduct in Van Cortlandt Park
Additional image: House at Fifth Ave. and 49th St., mid-19th century, p. 8

No. 39, Fall 2011
Untermyer Gardens To Be Restored, by John Scheuneman and Stephen F. Byrns
Another Trail Milestone to Celebrate: Reclaiming Lamartine Ave. in Yonkers, by Charlotte Fahn
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, V: From Opening to Expansion (1842-1862), by Ed Brody [See also issue no. 40, p. 5, footnote 1.]
Boy Scout Trek from Catskills, by Charlotte Fahn
The Leatherman . . . and Us, by Ed Perratore
Gary Ricci Talks About His New Assignment [new state park manager]

No. 38, Spring 2011
But How Did James Bremner Inspect The Aqueduct Tunnel in the 1840s?, by Mavis Cain
High Bridge Restoration Plans Presented, by Charlotte Fahn
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, IV: From the Decision to Build (1835) to the Aqueduct Opening (1842), by Ed Brody
Goodbye Steve [state park manager Steven Oakes]
Encroachments 1852, from the minutes of the Old [Sic] Croton Aqueduct Board of the City of New York, 1852
The Answer I Seek, by Ed Perratore
Friends Annual Meeting, 2011 [speaker, Peter Aicher; election of Sara Kelsey to Friends’ Board]
Additional images: Columbia University historic preservation graduate students, led by Liz McEnaney, on the High Bridge, p. 5; state park manager Gary Ricci and crew, p. 8

No. 37, Winter 2011
It Might Have Been Paved: Trail Rescued by the Croton Aqueduct Committee
Stunt Jumper on the High Bridge, from the minutes of the Old [Sic] Croton Aqueduct Board of the City of New York, 1852
It Takes A Village . . . To Fund a Project [public donations to Cedar and Main access project in Dobbs Ferry]
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, III: From the Manhattan Company (1802) to the Decision to Build (1835), by Ed Brody
New Trail Connections Entice Aqueduct Walkers, by Charlotte Fahn
Sewage Accident Stems From 1970s Decision, by Steven Oakes, state park manager [reply to letter from Lloyd Trufelman]
Additional images: Ossining Matters’ 8th Annual Run/Walk, p. 6; bike raffle, p. 8

No. 36, Summer 2010
Coming to Dobbs Ferry in 2011 [new entrance to trail at Cedar and Main streets], by Mavis Cain
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, II: From the Revolution (1776) to the Manhattan Company (1802), by Ed Brody
A Ventilator in the Bronx, by Charlotte Fahn
High Bridge Design Process: Comments from NY Times and the Friends, by Charlotte Fahn
Two Paths, One Destination, by Ed Perratore
Friends Annual Meeting, 2010 [speaker, Scott Craven; election of Laura Compagni to Friends’ Board]

No. 35, Spring 2010
Thoughts on the Distributing Reservoir [reprinted from “Murray Hill Reservoir, November 25, 1949,” by Walt Whitman]
High Bridge Design Process Starts, by Charlotte Fahn
Aqueduct Profiles – No. 2 [about J. James R. Croes], by Robert Kornfeld, Jr.]
Smack in the middle of the trail in Dobbs Ferry . . . [about fallen trees near Flower Ave.]
Inspection of the Double Arch Bridge, by Charlotte Fahn
Notes from the Underground, by Ed Perratore
Parks and Trails New York Awards Elisa Zazzera and Joe Kozlowski
Additional image: Workers inspecting Ossining’s Aqueduct bridge, p. 8

No. 34, Winter 2009-2010
The Education of John Bloomfield Jervis, by Cornelia Cotton
New Interpretive Signs Unveiled on the Trail in Yonkers
Thanks and Farewell [Dimitri Benzinger departs trail crew]
Ed Rondthaler III and the Friends, by Charlotte Fahn [memorial]
The Old Croton Aqueduct in History and Culture, I: From Henry Hudson (1609) to the Revolution (1776), by Ed Brody
Aquefest 2009
Additional image: “Quaker Hill near the source of the east branch of the Croton River,” historic print, 1877, p. 4; child in Friends T-shirt, p. 8

No. 33, Summer 2009
Poe Walking on the High Bridge, by Dale Ramsey
Aqueduct Profiles – No. 1 [about Myndert Van Schaick], by Robert Kornfeld, Jr.
A Quiet of Sorts, by Ed Perratore
Aqueduct Community News
President’s Corner, by Mavis Cain
New Status for Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, by Charlotte Fahn
Kids Learn the Amazing Story of the Aqueduct
Additional images: Youth group at High Bridge Tower, p. 2; Yonkers trail blocked by fallen trees, p. 5; PS 116 class at Ossining weir, p. 8

No. 32, Spring 2009
Belmay Inc. Employees Clean Up Trail in Yonkers
Aqueduct Walks: Two New Guidebooks
Meet Our Newest Board Member, Elisa Zazzera
How Charlotte Fahn Came to be Newsletter Editor
Exhibits and Talks: “The Future Beneath Us,” by Jean Horkans
Our Annual Meeting Featured a Sandhog, a Bassoon and a Flute [speaker, Scott Chesman; musicians Janet Grice and Kevin Willois]
Letters [from a member to Friends’ president]
Spano [Mike] Sponsors Community Cleanup on the Aqueduct Trail
Our New Editor, Ruth Gastel, by Mavis Cain
Additional images: Recent drilling in New Croton Aqueduct, p. 4; parade float celebrating Old Croton Aqueduct, 1909, p. 8

No. 31, Winter 2008/09
A Memoir of the Archville Bridge, by John Middlebrooks
The Keeper’s House Porch: Soon to Have a Welcome Mat, by Mavis Cain
AqueFest 2008
Mayor Bloomberg Presides at High Bridge Event [Manhattan Access Project]
AqueFest 2008! [photos]
A Passion for the High Bridge [collection of Edward (Ned) Pollack]
Rockwood Hall: A New Cell-Phone Tour, by Jean Horkans
“The Charm of the Aqueduct” [excerpts from 1951 (third) edition of “New York Walk Book]
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Note of departure as newsletter editor, Charlotte Fahn
Additional images: Aqueduct Lands playground, High Bridge 160th birthday, new Aqueduct sign at Sleepy Hollow High School, p. 8; “North of Odell Ave,” drawing of the Aqueduct and Hudson River from 1951 (third) edition of “New York Walk Book,” p. 10

No. 30, Summer 2008
Friends to Publish Second Edition of Westchester Map
“The State’s Prettiest Public Park”
Two 19th Century Engineering Lives [March 30 Annual Meeting, speaker Sidney Horenstein about David Douglass and John Jervis]
Fred Hubbard: A Quiet Aqueduct Champion [memorial]
[List of those who helped with second edition of Westchester map]
The Early Days of the Aqueduct: A Perilous Dependency
Croton Gorge Park and Sleepy Hollow High School: Updates
Watershed Model Returns to Public View
An Elephant’s Tale, by Ed Rondthaler [about the High Bridge over the Croton River]
Additional images: Child in the Ossining weir, p. 7; “Ventilators,” historic print, 1866, p. 8

No. 29, Spring 2008
New Tarrytown Parkland Invites Trail Users into Gracemere
Hudson-Fulton Celebration: 1909
Connecting with the Trail in Tibbetts Brook Park
“View of the Jet at Harlem River” [Plate XX from “Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct” by Fayette B. Tower, 1843]
The High Bridge’s Harlem River Fountain
Funding for the Aqueduct: How You Can Help
Keeper’s House Project Presented to Village Board [Dobbs Ferry Board of Trustees]
Additional images: Portraits of David Douglass and John Jervis, p. 6; the High Bridge’s 155th birthday cake, p. 7 (see issue no. 17, p. 5); “High Bridge Over the Croton,” historic print, 1866,p. 8

No. 28, Winter 2007/08
Friends Meet With Tappan Zee Bridge Planners
Sleepy Hollow High School Update
New Directional Signs in Yonkers
Trail Manager Peter Iskenderian Moves to New Post
. . . and a New Manager is Appointed: Steven Oakes
An AqueFest Thank You: To All Who Made It Happen!
Work Completed on High Bridge’s Bronx Gatehouse
AqueFest 2007! [more photos, p. 7]
“From Mountaintop to Tap”: Friends Assist With Watershed Trek
Additional image: High Bridge Water Tower on Manhattan skyline at dusk, p. 8

No. 27, Summer 2007
New York City To Restore and Reopen the High Bridge
A First? Running the Aqueduct’s 41 Miles [about Peter Bakwin’s run]
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Sampling the Archival Treasures of the Water Supply [annual meeting speaker, Kevin Bone]
Keeper’s House Donors
World War I Water Guard Honored
[Survey form asking readers for Keeper’s House ideas]
Work Starts on Manhattan Access to the High Bridge [reconstructing iron stairway and creating an accessible path, both leading to the bridge]
Access to North End of Aqueduct Trail [driving directions when bridge into Croton Gorge Park is closed]
Dog Owner Alert
Additional images: Painting the Keeper’s House fence, p. 3; Dows Lane School walks on the Aqueduct, p. 4; encroaching fence at Flower Ave. moved, p. 10; “The Columbia College Regatta . . . “ on the Harlem River, historic print, c. 1878, p. 12

No. 26, Spring 2007
Design Phase Begins at Keeper’s House
Harlem River Map and Guide, by Shorewalkers
The Long Shadow of the Croton – Part 2, by Christopher R. Tompkins [about John Tompkins, Croton Reservoir Gatehouse Superintendent, including photo of Croton Dam spillway without water, 1907]
High Bridge: Reusing Historic Infrastructure
Memo to Trail Neighbors: A Good Year for Conservation Easements
Management of Hazardous Trees on the Aqueduct, by Peter Iskenderian, state park manager
Additional images: Brian Goodman with High Bridge Poster, p. 7; concept drawing of Keeper’s House, p. 8

No. 25, Winter 2006/07
The Long Shadow of the Croton, by Christopher R. Tompkins [about John Tompkins, Croton Reservoir Gatehouse Superintendent]
Results of High Bridge Inspection Reported
An AqueFest Thank You to All Who Made It Happen!
Aqueduct News/In Brief
AqueFest 2006! [photos]
The Gatehouse – “Where Culture Flows” [ribbon-cutting for 135th St. gatehouse reopening as Harlem Stage]
Additional images: Horseback riders on the trail, p. 7; hiking group at new sign about the Aqueduct in Van Cortlandt Park, p. 7; view of the trail from Keeper’s House window, p. 8

No. 24, Summer 2006
A Door Opens in the Pocantico Weir
Reality Arts on the Aqueduct [high-schoolers’ video and High Bridge model]
Was the Murray Hill Reservoir in Bryant Park?
Croton Dam Planning Traced at Annual Meeting [speaker, Robert Kornfeld, Jr.; election of Ruth Gastel and Tom Tarnowsky to Friends’ Board]
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Autumn Walks and Weir Chamber Visits Led by Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct and New York State Parks
Something New [Friends’ Meet & Greet Team]
Additional images: New copper cladding on Aqueduct barn cupola, p. 5; survey of Keeper’s House area, p. 5; demolition of the Murray Hill Reservoir, c. 1898-1900, p. 8

No. 23, Spring 2006
Book Treasures Donated to Friends [includes Plate XIV, showing Archville crossing, from “Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct,” by Fayette B. Tower, 1843]
“Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct,” title page of 1843 book by Fayette B. Tower
Invasive Plants on the Trail, Letter to the Editor [from Harriet Holdsworth]
High Bridge Update
Visits Inside the Ossining Weir Chamber and Walks on the Aqueduct led by Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct
Tours of High Bridge Water Tower [led by NYC Parks Dept. Urban Park Rangers]
Publication Note [“New York Underground: The Anatomy of a City,” by Julia Solis]
Additional image: “Croton Aqueduct: Van Cortlandt Park,” historic print originally published in first edition of “New York Walk Book,” American Geographical Society, 1923, p. 8 in newsletter

No. 22, Winter 2005/06
Old Croton AqueFest Launches Keeper’s House Campaign [first AqueFest]
An AqueFest Thank You [list of volunteers and participants]
It’s Official: It’s Now the Keeper’s House [name change; includes concept drawing of Keeper’s House by Ildiko Viczian]
Yonkers Trail Improvements Underway
New Croton Dam Turns 100, by Helen Barolini
Exploring Treasures of the Jervis Archive [in Rome, NY]
Additional images: OpenHouse New York, 2005, p. 7; Cross-section of New Croton Dam, p. 8

No. 21, Summer 2005
Historic Wooden Water Pipes Unearthed, by Gerard Koeppel
High Bridge at the Gotham Center [CUNY Graduate Center, Manhattan, April 12]
Aqueduct Treetops Cut
Friends’ Leader Honored by Garden Club
Mr. Croton River Turns 100 [Ed Rondthaler]
Trail Work [giant “pothole” near Croton Gorge Unique Area sign]
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Community Groups Take Pride in Aqueduct
Additional image: Aqueduct in Pinecrest Drive area, Hastings, 1928, p. 8

No. 20, Spring 2005
Valley of the Dam, by Cornelia Cotton
Croton Visionaries Recognized in Talk at Friends’ Annual Meeting [speaker, Robert Kornfeld, Jr.]
High Bridge A Feature of April 12 Program [to be held at Gotham Center/CUNY Graduate Center, Manhattan]
Springtime Insects of the Old Croton Aqueduct, by Lawrence Forcella
A Farewell to Tony Rivera
“The Gatehouse”: Museum Exhibit Opens [Museum of the City of New York]
Introductory Walks on the Aqueduct and Visits Inside the Ossining Weir Chamber
Mud Alert
Additional image: “Old Croton Aqueduct: Dobbs Ferry Vicinity,” historic print originally published in first edition of “New York Walk Book,” American Geographical Society, 1923, p. 8 in newsletter

No. 19, Winter 2004/05
The Old Croton Aqueduct: A Model for Lisbon?, by Daphne Edwards
Change in Trail Management Team [Peter Iskenderian]
Open House New York
Gracemere Update, by Esther Samra
Aqueduct Crossing at West Burnside Ave.: A Mystery (Partly) Solved
Improvements Announced for Bronx Aqueduct Parkland
Alexander Hamilton: A Story [book excerpt]
Aqueduct Images Part of New Exhibit [New-York Historical Society]
Second Edition of Aqueduct Map Planned
Additional image: New spillway bridge at New Croton Dam under construction, p. 8

No. 18, Summer 2004
Friends Publish Map of Aqueduct in New York City
Sleepy Hollow – Tarrytown Updates [high school breezeway; building behind 224 Broadway]
Medallion Inaugurates Display Collection [Aqueduct medallion donated to the Friends]
Sixth-Graders’ Aqueduct Project Ranks Nationally
[Names of volunteers who helped with the Friends’ New York City map]
Happenings [Aqueduct cleanup organized by Assemblyman Michael Spano; Temple Beth Shalom volunteers paint Keeper’s House fence; North Hudson Promenade in Yonkers]
New Exhibit: “Valley of the Dam” [Yorktown Museum]
Additional images: Photo by Dr. Arthur Langmuir of trail walkers in area of Pinecrest Drive, Hastings, 1928, p. 3; “Sketch Map of Old Croton Aqueduct,” p. 8

No. 17, Spring 2004
New Spillway Bridge at Croton Dam To Evoke Historic Design
Dam Centennial Plans
Croton Taverns, Then and Now
The Aqueduct in the Gallery, Cairns on the Trail
A High Bridge 155th Birthday Party
“High Bridge in a Box”: A New Teaching Tool
Gwen Thomas Moves On to the Trails of Arizona
Turning 40 – on the Aqueduct, by Benjamin Dean
Aqueduct News/In Brief; Mud Alert
Additional images: Original spillway bridge at the New Croton Dam, undated historic photo, p. 3; original Croton Dam, historic print. 1866, p. 8

No. 16, Winter 2003/04
Location of a Manhattan Ventilator Discovered, or Can a Family Have the Aqueduct in its Genes?
Croton Water Over the Dam [effect of heavy autumn rains]
A Chance to End Detour at Sleepy Hollow High School
5K Run for Ossining Schools Draws Big Turnout
Aqueduct Publication Available [Hudson River Museum essays, published in 1992]
Letter to Editor [walking route between Croton-Harmon Station and Aqueduct]
Hudson RiverWalk to Include Aqueduct
135th Street Gatehouse: A “Theater of Water” to Become a Theater in Fact
Former Trail Manager Honored [Brian Goodman]
Aqueduct News / In Brief
Aqueduct Cartoon from Journal News
Additional images: Volunteer tabling for Friends, p. 4; “Convent Ave. elevation of 135th St. Gatehouse,” historic print, 1887, p. 8

No. 15, Summer 2003
New Aqueduct Management on Board [Alix Schnee and Michael Boyle; Friends’ 2003 annual meeting]
“Where Do I Go After Lyndhurst?” A New Answer Becomes Possible [Gracemere estate]
The Aqueduct Through Fifth-Grade Eyes, by Noah Teitelbaum, with note by Mavis Cain
The Trail’s Romantic Past [historic postcard views of Aqueduct in north Yonkers from collection of Tony Peluso, with note on p. 5]
High Bridge Campaign Gains Momentum [May 5 visit to bridge by three city commissioners and text of Daily News editorial]
New Map of Highbridge Park
Walking Between the Trail and Croton Station, by Daniel Chazin [including photo of Quaker Bridge]
Publications [“Trailways, Footpaths and Parks (Hastings-on-Hudson)”, 2nd ed., by Fred H. Hubbard]
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Additional image: “North of Odell Ave. . . . Old Croton Aqueduct,” historic print, 1934, p. 8

No. 14, Spring 2003
Manhattan Access to High Bridge to be Restored: Funds Awarded for Two Aqueduct Projects in New York City [includes Aqueduct signage plan]
Does This House Look Familiar? [Overseer’s House on Pocantico section of the Aqueduct]
Medallion Presented to Longtime Trail Protector [Constance Porter]
High Bridge Memories, by Thomas Courtien [about High Bridge and High Bridge Tower]
Intimations of Spring on the Trail [excerpts from Diane Alden’s nature journal]
Exhibit of Aqueduct Drawings Extended [Fayette B. Tower exhibit at Museum of the City of New York]
Turkey Walk 2002
National Trails Day; Mud Season is Here: Be Kind to the Trail
Additional images: High Bridge, Plate XX in “Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct,” Fayette B. Tower, 1843, p. 6; “Road Bridge Below Sing Sing,” historic print, 1860, p. 8

No. 13, December 2002
Good News! Aqueduct Awarded Grants for Overseer’s House and Yonkers Trail
Brian Goodman Honored, Awarded Replica of Aqueduct Medallion
The Aqueduct Medallion
World Premiere of “Croton Cantata”
High Bridge Campaign Launched [High Bridge Coalition]
Highbridge Memories [Highbridge neighborhood, The Bronx]
Publications, by Dale Ramsey [Aqueduct chapter in “Day Walker,” 2nd ed., 2002, NY-NJ Trail Conference]
Lower Hudson Conference Salutes Brian Goodman
Additional image: Photo of Rip Van Winkle sculpture, Main St., Irvington, p. 8

No. 12, July 2002
Brian Goodman to Retire: From Liverpool to Alaska via the Aqueduct Trail, by Mavis Cain
Hastings Halts Dumping in Quarry Next to Trail
A Tour of High Bridge Tower: Notes of an Aqueduct Enthusiast, by Cornelia Cotton
Landmark Anniversary [about 1992 designation of Aqueduct as a National Historic Landmark]
High Bridge Tower Open for Visits; Guides to Aqueduct Walk
Additional image: Picturesque window along stairway in High Bridge Tower, p. 8

No. 11, March 2002
Bronx Park Redesigned as Tribute to Aqueduct, by Charlotte Fahn
William Hoppen [memorial]
Finding Your Way on the Trail: Phase I [green guideposts]
Second Conservation Easement in Briarcliff Preserves Land Next to Trail
Taking in the Treasures of the Trail [excerpts from Diane Alden’s nature journal]
Why is Fifth Avenue Posh?, by Brian Hatch
Publications, by Charlotte Fahn [“Water for the Millions,” Chapter Five in “Great Projects,” by James Tobin]
Cedars Next to Trail at Risk in Tarrytown [project behind 224 Broadway]
WEB News [about Web site]
Trail Reminders [leash laws; wheels on the trail]
Additional images: 1880s partial view of Murray Hill Reservoir in built-up city, p. 6; “The High Bridge at Harlem, N.Y.,” historic print, Nathaniel Currier, 1849, p. 8

No. 10, December 2001
Operating the Aqueduct, by Robert Kornfeld, Jr.
George Zoebelein [memorial]
Friends to Publish Second Map
State Funds Quarry Trail From Aqueduct to Hastings Waterfront
Friends Spark Review of Hastings Quarry Landfill
A Tribute to Water System Guardians [reprinted from December 1998 newsletter]
National Register Plaque Unveiled at Jerome Park Reservoir
For WEB Users [Library of Congress’ Aqueduct images on the Web]
Additional image: “From Croton to Town,” historic print,1872, p. 8

No. 9, July 2001
The TurkeyWalk: An Aqueduct Tradition in the Making, by Jocko Lloyd
Walling in the Trail in Tarrytown [project behind 224 Broadway]
High Bridge Campaign Launched [NY Daily News urges reopening the High Bridge]
“Walk History’s Path” [NY Daily News editorial and map of Aqueduct route in New York City]
“A Fabulous, Incredible Achievement” [speaker, Kenneth T. Jackson]
Lucky Day for Trail Users [Gov. Pataki awards grant to Hastings for Graham School parcel]
Book Review, by Robert Kornfeld,, Jr. [“The Croton Dams and Aqueduct” by Christopher R. Tompkins]
Students Adopt Aqueduct “Parklet” in the Bronx [at south end of Jerome Park Reservoir]
Summit St. Sweep [Yonkers]
Additional image: Croton Dam Spillway, historic postcard; p. 8

No. 8, March 2001
Aqueduct Neighbors Sign Conservation Easement to Preserve Trail View, by Gwen Thomas
County Plans Aqueduct Link With South County Trailway [Hillside Woods Trail, Hastings-on-Hudson]
A Walk and a Farewell [Marge and Dan Schlitt]
“Healing Waters” [announcement of South Street Seaport exhibit]
Board of Directors Descend on Peebles Island, by Mavis Cain [NYState’s historic preservation center]
River Club Project Endangers Grand Trail View [Yonkers]
“Water-Works” [exhibit at Cooper Union, including photo of 104th St. Aqueduct remnant]
Cornering the Overseer’s House
Mud Season Alert: Be Kind to the Trail!
Additional image: The trail in Dobbs Ferry, snow-covered, p. 8

No. 7, November 2000
Twenty Years on theTrail: A Naturalist’s Diary, by Jim Capossela
From the President [Charlotte Fahn]
A Universal Value [quotation about clean drinking water]
Jerome Park Reservoir Honored, by Robert Kornfeld, Jr.
Hastings Plan for Aqueduct Buffer and Waterfront Link [Graham-Windham School parcel]
Fall and Spring Events [first Hudson River Valley Ramble]
“Of Dams and Gatehouses” [speaker, Carl Oechsner]
James Bremner is Smiling Down on Bill Logan and Holly Daly
Thanks to a Devoted Friend [Bill Hoppen]
Publication Notes [“The Palisades: A Surprising Wilderness,” by Beczak Environmental Education Center; NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection, Education Office, bibliography of children’s books about water]
Additional image: Ruins of Acqua Claudia, historic print, p. 8

No. 6, June 2000
Connecting to the Aqueduct: Yonkers Promenade to Create Scenic Loop With Trail
River Club Project: Effects on the Trail
Friends Elect Officers and Board
Mark Your Calendar for the Hudson River Valley Ramble Weekend! [news item]
119th St. Gatehouse Designated a Landmark
Land Adjoining Trail Slated to Become County Green Space [between Sunnyside and Lyndhurst]
Loss of a Friend [Mary Allison]
Letter: True Start of the Aqueduct, by John T. Reutershan [and “a form of meditation”]
Recent Books, by Robert Kornfeld, Jr., [“Water for Gotham,” by Gerard Koeppel, and “Liquid Assets,” by Diane Galusha]
Guidebooks [“Trailways, Footpaths and Parks” about Hastings-on-Hudson, by Fred H. Hubbard, and “Paths Along the Hudson” by Jeffrey Perls]
Exploring the Sources of the Croton River, by Mavis Cain [speaker, Ed Rondthaler]
More Pieces of the James Bremner Puzzle, by Mavis Cain
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Additional images: High Bridge Tower tour, p. 5; “Quaker Hill, Near the Source of the East Branch of the Croton River,” historic print, 1877, p. 8

No. 5, February 2000
On the Trail of James Bremner, First Aqueduct Overseer at Dobbs Ferry, by Mavis Cain
Mr. Bremner Makes An Appearance [Aqueduct Awareness Day]
Inspecting the Tunnel, ca. 1877 [excerpt from Scribner’s Monthly]
A Note of Thanks [from an Aqueduct visitor, with photos of Archville plaques]
Croton Quest [10 Aqueduct hikes by Shorewalkers, with ode by John Reutershan]
Aqueduct News / In Brief
Additional image: “New York’s Primitive Source of Water-Supply,” historic print, 1882

No. 4, September 1999
Aqueduct Declared a State Historic Park
New Aqueduct Signs Unveiled
Yonkers History Tour
Aqueduct Aware Day: Save the Date!
Tunnel Inspection: A Follow-up
Mavis’ Sweatshop Scores as Temperature Soars [volunteers at Overseer’s House]
Friends Testify at Seton Manor Hearing in Yonkers
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Additional images: Four-in-hand crossing new bridge at Archville, p. 5; “Croton Aqueduct: Van Cortlandt Park,” 1923 [corrected date]. American Geographical Society, New York, NY, p. 6

No. 3, May 1999
What’s It Really Like in the Tunnel?, by Brian Goodman, state park manager
Copies Available of 1905 Scientific American Photos of New Croton Dam
President of Friends Steps Down [Fred Charles], by Mavis Cain
A Trip on the Croton River Via Slide Show [speaker, Ed Rondthaler]
Picnic at Croton Lake, 1873 [historic journal excerpt]
Aqueduct Map Wins Statewide Award
Additional images: “Where Is It?” [Pocantico embankment], p. 2; dam at Croton Lake, p. 4, historic print

No. 2, December 1998
The Map is Published! [including names of those who helped]
New Friends Made on Awareness Day
Good News About the Woodlands Next to the Trail in Dobbs Ferry
Rockwood Hall Becomes Permanent State Parkland
A Tribute to Water System Guardians
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Letter from the President [Fred Charles]
Additional images: New state park sign in Dobbs Ferry p. 7; “Where Is It?” [Gothic Arch], p. 7; “Aqueduct Bridge Over the Neperhan [Saw Mill] River, Yonkers,” historic print, p. 8

No. 1, April 1998
Putting the Arch Back in Archville [new bridge over Route 9]
Work in Progress: Overseer’s House; map report
High Bridge 150th Anniversary
The Aqueduct in the Schools [about Carl Oechsner] and in the Arts
Madame C.J. Walker Stamp
Slide Lectures; Query about past occupants of Overseer’s House
Thank You from the President [Fred Charles]
Additional images: Awareness Day, p. 5; “Hudson Highlands,” historic print, p. 6