In Light of Mavis Cain's Memorial, the Keeper's House will be closed on Saturday, October 26th



The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct educate the public about the history or the tunnel and trail.


Please find below some of our educational content.

Related Blog Entries

Tibbetts Brook as it runs through the park (photo-Sara Kelsey)

Because the Old Croton Aqueduct was powered by gravity alone, the Aqueduct and the trail above it do not follow a straight line. Instead, to maintain the average 13.25-inches–per–mile downward slope of the tunnel on its journey from the Croton Reservoir, its path follows the ridges formed by ancient glaciers. Armed by the early and forceful exercise of eminent domain, New York City constructed its tunnel through public and private property in a single-minded quest to meet citizens’ urgent need for clean, abundant water.

Bronx Students on tour
Bronx Students on tour

Middle School 15 is 2 blocks from Aqueduct Avenue in The Bronx. Teachers Shawanda Weems, along with co-teacher Mr. Mozoub, discovered The Friends Of The Old Croton Aqueduct 4 years ago; ever since they’ve brought their summer class to Washington Heights.

This year her kids crossed the High Bridge to learn the history of the rooftop water towers, and the Old Croton Aqueduct. They stepped on Rucker Park’s basketball court, toured Morris Jumel Mansion and Sugar Hill Museum Of Art & Storytelling, and paid respects at Mayor Ed Koch’s and John J Audubon’s graves.

Lesley Walter in Hat
Students celebrating park
Charlotte Fahn

On July 13, excited neighbors, youth groups, “parkies,” and city and state officials attended a groundbreaking for the NYC Parks Department’s $10 million project to renovate Adventure and Sunken playgrounds in Manhattan’s Highbridge Park. Adventure Playground is where the paved path to the Manhattan end of the High Bridge begins; adjacent Sunken Playground provides ADA-compatible access to that path.

Tour atop Croton Dam

Photo: Suzy Allman

As co-head of Walks & Tours for the Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct and a docent at the Keeper’s House Visitor Center in Dobbs Ferry, I am frequently asked the same question: What would be a good walk or tour along the 26-mile trail that runs through these Rivertowns (the Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park)? Or perhaps along the 15-mile New York City route, which ends at the main New York Public Library (former site of the Murray Hill Distributing Reservoir)?

View through the tunnel at Lenoir
The tunnel at Lenoir

On this joint walk with the Lenoir Nature Preserve’s Curator, Sara Cavanaugh, along the Old Croton Aqueduct met at the Lenoir Nature Preserve, 19 Dudley St., Yonkers, and enjoyed an easy 6-mile loop walk along the Aqueduct Trail, with time spent in the Preserve and on the Trail, exploring history and nature.

Girls at the weir entrance
Meetup group at weir entrance

photos: Diane Alden

Early drawing of Aqueduct Bridge

Everyone has favorite spots on the Aqueduct trail, like Irvingtons Octagon House, or near the dam, or over Ossinings Double Arch Bridge. But to a true wanderer, the Ossining section offers real variety. Take the Sing Sing Kill Greenway, a charming dash of watery nature right downtown.

Bethesda Fountain
Newsletter Issue: 

From the River Journal Blog

Water System Guardians rock photo
Newsletter Issue: 
10, Dec 2001
