Join or Renew your Membership

Please consider becoming a member of or renewing your membership to The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct. Grantors like to see high membership numbers.

If you become a member, you will automatically be signed up to receive bimonthly ENewsletters that let you know about free walks and tours. (You can opt out below). Your support enables us to continue our work in cleanups, invasives eradication, trail signage, exhibitions at The Keeper's House and much more.

Memberships run from Jan 1 to Dec 31 of the year you join. If you join after October 1, your membership will run through the following December (i.e. 15 months).

We welcome donations of any size.

If you prefer to mail a check, you may download this form.

The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Membership *
Additional Contribution $
Total Amount
New Organization
Membership Premiums
New members may select one of our maps as a thank-you gift for joining. Please click on the grey "no thank you" bar if you are renewing or do not wish to receive a map.
Westchester Map
Westchester Map
Westchester Map
Westchester Map
You must contribute at least $30.00 to get this item

You must contribute at least $30.00 to get this item

No thank you, I already have a map
No thank you, I already have a map
Supporter Profile
If you wish to make this membership a gift to someone else, please use THEIR information in the Supporter Profile. Use your billing information when the billing fields come up later. We will send you an attractive PDF you can fill out and send to the recipient.
We send eblasts about once a month with our free walks listings and other news. Check here if you do NOT want to be added to this list.
Please note above if your contribution is for a specific purpose

The information you provide will NOT be shared with any third party organisations.

Thank you for getting involved in our campaign!

Please select which fund you would like to donate to.

Contribution Type
Please select which fund you would like to contribute to (from optional donation above)