
The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct are committed to preserving the historic structures atop and underneath the trail. The Friends took part in the reopening of the High Bridge and undertook the complete renovation and reopening of the Keeper's House in Dobbs Ferry.

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Parks and Trails New York, a generous funder of the Keeper's House Restoration project, has featured our efforts in their member newsletter, Green Space. Thank you for all your do for us, PTNY!


James Bremner ( aka Friends VP, Bob Kornfeld ) welcomed the community to the beautiful house where he lived from the mid 1800s to his death in 1872. On a sunny June afternoon Keeper James Bremner told of his duties as keeper of this section of the Aqueduct, how he kept the water flowing as it traveled from the Croton Dam to the final reservoir at 42nd street. Maybe he anticipated that his home would one day be a National Historic Landmark making the entire community swell with pride.

Charlotte Fahn

Roads & Bridges, a national magazine bringing industry news to engineers and contractors, has selected the High Bridge as one of its 2015 Top 10 bridges These awards “recognize the top projects in North America.” The editorial staff makes its selections from nominations submitted to Roads & Bridges “based on project challenges, impact to region and scope of work.”


The 1905 vintage 1000 pound cast iron gate valve actuator from the upper gatehouse of the New Croton Dam has been donated by the NYC DEP to NYS Parks for use as an exhibit at the Keepers House. The hand cranked mechanism that used to control the effluent gates at the dam was picked up from the current Croton gatehouse in Yorktown on Wednesday Dec. 9, to be processed for safe public display by the Peebles Island restoration office of NYS Parks. Once installed, visitors to the Keepers House will be able to get a closeup look.


by Shaun T. Gorman Apparently, no one got the message that Sunday was a day of rest.... A long Sunday walk on the autumnal OCA trail in Yonkers yielded a pair of surprises! What's this? A crew repairing the masonry on the famous "lion's gate"?


Work is moving along! Exterior paint completed. Landscape terraced for events. Interior doors painted and ready to install. Bike racks installed.


At the beginning of June, without fanfare, the long awaited stairway to and from the Quarry Trail to Warburton Avenue opened! Now, anyone on the Aqueduct Trail can walk down Quarry Trail and walk up the stairs to Warburton Avenue. Close by is Antoinette’s Patisserie, a Hasting’s favorite for its own brand of coffee, pastries and gelato. Also across the street from Antoinette’s is a shady park which is open to the public.


Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay! The long awaited opening of the Aqueduct High Bridge has happened! I can’t help quoting Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky since I often remind youngsters about Alice in Wonderland who, when she saw a little bottle that said “Drink me”, she did just that–and got very very big. That’s what Croton Water did for the city, it made it very very big.


THE FRIENDS OF THE OLD CROTON AQUEDUCT ARE PLEASED TO HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THIS HISTORIC EVENT. After being closed for 45 years, the Old Croton Aqueduct’s High Bridge, now renovated, is open to the public. The bridge is part of New York City’s park system, administered by the city’s Department of Parks & Recreation. It is accessible to all, including visitors using wheelchairs, bikes, and strollers. Following are directions for getting onto the bridge from both the Bronx and Manhattan ends.
