FOCAAdmin  Jun.10.2015

Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay! The long awaited opening of the Aqueduct High Bridge has happened! I can’t help quoting Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky since I often remind youngsters about Alice in Wonderland who, when she saw a little bottle that said “Drink me”, she did just that–and got very very big. That’s what Croton Water did for the city, it made it very very big. The High Bridge was the last installment in the 11-year project that brought Croton Water to the thirsty city. Many forget that the High Bridge is part of the Old Croton Aqueduct. It is of special interest to all our members. Charlotte Fahn, who got a special mention and thanks from the speakers, was invited to attend this special opening event. Mavis Cain, Bob Kornfeld and Tom Tarnowsky tagged along, with Bob giving interviews when asked by reporters. We are all so proud of Charlotte and Bob who worked so hard to help make it happen. The next Grand Opening will be the Keeper’s House -- Mavis Cain CLICK FOR DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO ACCESS THE BRIDGE FROM THE BRONX AND MANHATTAN CLICK FOR A PHOTO ALBUM OF THE OPENING EVENT