A Memoir of the Archville Bridge, by John Middlebrooks
The Keeper’s House Porch: Soon to Have a Welcome Mat, by Mavis Cain
AqueFest 2008
Mayor Bloomberg Presides at High Bridge Event [Manhattan Access Project]
AqueFest 2008! [photos]
A Passion for the High Bridge [collection of Edward (Ned) Pollack]
Rockwood Hall: A New Cell-Phone Tour, by Jean Horkans
“The Charm of the Aqueduct” [excerpts from 1951 (third) edition of “New York Walk Book]
Aqueduct News/In Brief
Note of departure as newsletter editor, Charlotte Fahn
Additional images: Aqueduct Lands playground, High Bridge 160th birthday, new Aqueduct sign at Sleepy Hollow High School, p. 8; “North of Odell Ave,” drawing of the Aqueduct and Hudson River from 1951 (third) edition of “New York Walk Book,” p. 10