A visit to the High Bridge combines well with a visit to two adjacent Bronx sites of architectural, historic, and scenic interest, about a 25-30 minute walk from the Bronx end of the bridge. Today’s NY Times delivers the good news that a group has formed to raise funds to restore Gould Memorial Library the Stanford White 1899 domed beauty on the campus of Bronx Community College. The article title, “An Opulent Bronx Library in Decay, and in Search of a Purpose,” by David Dunlap, sums up the story. The Hall of Fame for Great Americans, only alluded to in the article, is equally of interest. Its entrance is close to the library. This outdoor curved colonnade features bronze busts of nearly 100 American achievers, a selection reflecting the judgment of its 1901 era. The site is marvelous, overlooking the Harlem Valley. Bronx Community College (on the former NYU campus) is at 2155 University Ave. (181st St.). Gould Memorial Library and the Hall of Fame are features no. 17 and 18 on the Friends’ map of the Old Croton Aqueduct in New York City. -