Location of a Manhattan Ventilator Discovered, or Can a Family Have the Aqueduct in its Genes?
Croton Water Over the Dam [effect of heavy autumn rains]
A Chance to End Detour at Sleepy Hollow High School
5K Run for Ossining Schools Draws Big Turnout
Aqueduct Publication Available [Hudson River Museum essays, published in 1992]
Letter to Editor [walking route between Croton-Harmon Station and Aqueduct]
Hudson RiverWalk to Include Aqueduct
135th Street Gatehouse: A “Theater of Water” to Become a Theater in Fact
Former Trail Manager Honored [Brian Goodman]
Aqueduct News / In Brief
Aqueduct Cartoon from Journal News
Additional images: Volunteer tabling for Friends, p. 4; “Convent Ave. elevation of 135th St. Gatehouse,” historic print, 1887, p. 8