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Friend of the Old Croton Aqueduct and active walker Mark Garrahan received this book as a present for Christmas last year and brought it to our attention.

Published in 1923 by the American Geographic Society (not to be confused with the National Geographic Society which published the famed yellow-bordered magazine), it contains beautiful sketches and fascinating maps.

We were able to scan pages of interest to the Friends.

Thanks, Mark. Enjoy!

Charlotte Fahn

The New York Public Library's exhibition of treasures includes several items relating to The Old Croton Aqueduct, including a set of brass keys that once unlocked the Old Croton Reservoir (which once stood on the spot that is now The New York Public Library.)

A New York Times article described the exhibition.



Mavis Cain

One of our docents, Maura Roche, took the lovely image above of Ossining's Double Arch Bridge, which is popular with bridge fans (yes there's a whole world of bridge fans out there.)

Our Friend Fred Charles sent us the image below of Devil's Bridge in Ceredigion, Wales that looks pretty similar. In the Welsh case, these three were built over a period of hundreds of years. The oldest is from 1100, the one above that from 1753 and the top one from 1901.


With the reopening of the Highbridge Step Street (located at 170th x University Avenue in The Bronx at Highbridge Park) on December 14, 2021, a trifecta of restoration of historic Old Croton Aqueduct structures has been achieved.

Photo by S Fahn
Charlotte Fahn

One effect of the happily welcomed reopening of High Bridge Tower in 2021 was to turn attention to the Old Croton Aqueduct’s High-Service Works, of which the Tower was a part. In fact, some accounts refer to this elegant, octagonal granite structure on the northeast Manhattan skyline as the High-Service Tower.
