Charlotte Fahn  Apr.14.2016

A marvelous new attraction opened Wednesday evening, April 14, in the village of Ossining: a concrete walkway that lets visitors stroll in the Sing Sing Kill's rocky gorge, with the stream rushing along beneath it and trees clinging to the sides. The new walkway is ADA-compliant, has steel railings along its full length - which is about one third of a mile. You return the way you came.

For Aqueduct enthusiasts: from the walkway you can easily see, emerging from a hillside, the fat pipe through which diverted Croton water flowed when the gate was lowered in the weir, above on the top deck of the Double Arch bridge. You can see where the diverted water poured into the Kill.

An easy entry to the Sing Sing Kill Greenway is from the lower parking lot of the Joseph Caputo Community Center, 95 Broadway. The other end is at Ossining's local Central Ave., where you can watch as the stream heads away toward Water St. The new path will make a great adjunct to a weir visit. --Charlotte Fahn