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Parks and Trails New York has generously awarded The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct $1,250 for post-production (audio, graphics, color correction) for a short film to solicit donations and memberships and enhance knowledge and appreciation of the Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park.


As of February 1, 2013, the Sing Sing Kill Bridge in Ossining will be closed for major repairs. Work will continue through Spring 2013.


Meet at the New York Public Library in New York City on Saturday, February 23rd at 11 am. The Library is located at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue -- a short walk from the Metro-North Grand Central Station Terminal. The Tour is limited to 25 participants and reservations are required. View the original stones from the Old Croton Aqueduct Distributing Reservoir that form part of the foundation of the New York Public library, which was built on the Reservoir’s former site.


Speaking to a packed gathering of happy High Bridge fans on January
11, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided over the
groundbreaking for the start of the long-dreamed-of restoration of the
pedestrian bridge, once the most famous element of the original Croton
Aqueduct. The festivities took place outdoors at Highbridge Park at
the Bronx end of the structure, today the city’s oldest bridge. The
year 2013 marks the 165th anniversary of the 1848 span, which has been closed to the public for 40 years.

The High Bridge was built to carry Croton water from the mainland,


The Wang family of Ardsley New York won our Bike Raffle on October 20th, 2012. They generously donated the bike right back to us! Thank you to all who participated.

In photo: Mavis Cain, Friends President, the Wang Family, Jason of Endless Trail Bikeworx who originally donated the bike to us for the raffle.
