Our Blogs

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View articles from our past NEWSLETTERS.



On a glorious sunny morning in Yonkers, scores of volunteers – students, staff of the City of Yonkers, the Green Task Force, Habitat, and of course the Friends – worked valiantly to clear away litter and large pieces of debris from the trail in Yonkers primarily south of Summit Street.


The last hurdle : The Friends are thrilled to announce the last hurdle in the approvals for the rehabilitation of the Keeper’s House has been crossed. The State Comptroller in Albany has approved the contract of our chosen construction company. On June 2nd we will have a pre-construction meeting at the House with all concerned with this auspicious project. Stay tuned for a ground-breaking event!


Another thank you from the Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct, this time to the 14 volunteers who participated in the Citizen Scientist training on June 22 at the Carriage House at Teatown Lake Reservation. This was a follow up to the giant volunteer efforts on May 3 as part of the I Love My Park Day on the Old Croton Aqueduct, since that event was just the kick off to our long term goal of improving the overall ecology of this very special linear park.


We are pleased to announce the completion of our short promotional film about the Aqueduct, the Friends and our Keeper's House Project. Entitled "CELEBRATE!", the film was produced and edited by L. Brandon Krall of Media Triangle, and has already garnered attention, with an award from the Greater Hudson Heritage Network and a Sy Shulman award from the Westchester Historical Society.

You can view it HERE and HERE


The Annual Meeting of the Friends took place on a sunny Sunday, April 27th at the Irvington Library. It featured the new life of the Keeper’s House. The theme drew a large and enthusiastic audience, members and the general public who have supported the restoration of this National Historic Landmark and have often asked "What’s next ?” The good news that had the audience clapping is the fact that funds are in place for the the restoration and the architectural design work has been approved by State officials.
