FOCAAdmin  Apr.23.2013

All hands on Yonkers! The big Aqueduct Clean-up Day, April 21, was a huge success.

An amazing day of satisfying work by over 100 participants – all in good spirits. Mayor Mike Spano and Council President Chuck Lesnick were there to inspire and lead the effort which included volunteers from Yonkers City Hall, Starbucks, the Green Policy Task Force, Habitat for Humanity, Groundwork, Catholic Charities, Scout Troop 5, local residents and of course Gary Ricci with others from State Parks including Linda Cooper and Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct. In addition to volunteering, Starbucks supplied coffee, snacks and cooked up hot dogs at the end of the day. The astonishing thing was the amount of debris, litter and large pieces of refuse that were cleared. Thanks to the effort of all who volunteered, Yonkers section of the Aqueduct is clean for all to enjoy. Now let's keep it that way!

The Friends “made friends” with some of the local residents, exchanged emails and plan to have a get together to talk about the history of the Aqueduct.