Our Blogs

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View articles from our past NEWSLETTERS.



Share your passion for and knowledge of the Aqueduct trail and Rivertowns area

Are you comfortable speaking and working with the public?

Can you devote three hours on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to work with Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct at their new Keeper's House visitor center in Dobbs Ferry?

To learn more, we invite potential volunteer docents to a question-and-answer gathering on March 31, 7:30, at the Keeper's House, 15 Walnut St., Dobbs Ferry, between Broadway/Route 9 and Main St.


No need to peer thru fences anymore......the trail in Yonkers will open soon!

Mavis Cain

The Friends were thrilled to be asked to give a presentation on February 28 at Wave Hill, the amazing 28 acre estate in the Riverdale section of the Bronx overlooking the Hudson River. Since Wave Hill is within NYC city limits, the neighborhood is not one where we have many members. Although many of us know Wave Hill well as individuals, it is new territory for our outreach. We were not entirely confident of a good audience.

But what a turnout we had! 115 people attended!

Newsletter Issue: 
50, Winter 2016

The first step in fulfilling the Friends’ New Year’s Resolution to address the problem of invasive plants on the OCA was taken on January 6th. On that Wednesday, Steven Oakes, Historic Site Manager for the OCA, drove his trusty jeep along the trail from the beginning of the Westchester section to the Croton Dam in Cortlandt, taking as passengers a group of Friends volunteers for a reconnaissance mission.
